"All raised funds are completely used toward the help of the needy.”
The charity is working through volunteers, board of directors and community members whom are providing their services without pay or administration expenses.
Canadian Board of Directors
From left to right: Nabil Awad-VP, Faez Aziz-Director, Nadir Mishrgi-Director, (Guest HG Bishop Elia-Khartoum & South Sudan Agent), Refaat Fakhori-Past Director, Onsi Mansour-President, Nashaat Khalil-Treasurer, Nazmi Gilada-Secretary, Hani Zaki-Director
History & Completed Projects
International Organization Partners
Our Global Agents
Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate
Pope Tawadros II, the 118th Pope of Alexandria and the Patriarch of All Africa on the Holy Apostolic See of Saint Mark the Evangelist.
Pope Tawadros II
Bishop Sarabamon
Bishop Elia
Saint Matthew Coptic Orthodox Christian Charity is registered with the Canada Revenue Agency as a charitable Charity, and has been assigned registered Charitable Business Number 85679 4169 RR0001because it is dedicated to helping the poor of Sudan, North and South through 2 Organizations (Dioceses);
1- Metropolis of Atbara, Omdurman & Northern Sudan under Bishop Sarabamon. 2- Coptic Orthodox Bishopric of Khartoum and the South under Bishop Elia.
The charity is working through volunteers, board of directors and community members whom are providing their services without pay or administration expenses. All raised funds are completely used toward the help of the needy.